tiistai 15. helmikuuta 2011

Thanks for the memories

Hei, salut, ciao, ahoj!

Looks like I got the honor of being the first one to write to our Comenius blog. I was asked to look a little  back at the meeting we had in Finland, so let's try!

The whole week was great. I would have liked to host a guest but actually it was good to have at least the late evenings for doing homework, haha. 

Though we has workshops with the logo and the questionnaire, most of the time we were just having fun. We, for example...

...arranged a birthday party.
...spent evenings all together talking, playing and eating well (the photo is from the farewell party). The guests also had an opportunity to go to sauna!
...went out to the beautiful Finnish nature when it was -25 degrees there. The guests seemed to like our winter!

The meeting was over far too soon, and it was really hard to say goodbye. I myself really made friends during the week and I'm sure the others did, too. It's a fortune to have friends abroad, but the long distance makes it impossible to really catch up. But well, I believe I'll meet those wonderful people again someday sooner or later, and till that we have technology helping us to keep in touch!

Greetings, Susanna